Join our Freedive Instructors at the POOR KNIGHTS ISLANDS marine reserve for the day.
Join our fabulous and talented Instructors for a days depth training at the Poor Knights Islands.
Freediving as a group, you’ll work at your own pace alongside our Instructors on the line, improving your techniques and mastering some new depths.
We’ll set up the lines and work in groups so that you can advance at your own pace. It’s all about having fun.
Once you’ve had time on the line, then you’re more than welcome to explore the beauty of the Poor Knights Islands marine reserve

You’ll meet at the boat (at the Tutukaka Marina, M Pier) at 7am for a morning brief and stretch session before boarding the boat at 8. Once you arrive at the Islands you’ll have the opportunity to dive at 2 unique sites.
We have hot drinks on board but you’ll need to bring your own lunch.
After the days adventures you’ll head back to the Tutukaka Marina, getting back around 3.30-4pm.
Prerequisites to join;
Hold a recognised Freediving certification and dive within those parameters in your buddy team.
Have been freediving within the past 2 years. If not contact us about refreshing your skills.
SSI Basic Freediver, AIDA Level 1, PADI Basic FD; Maximum depth of 10metres.
SSI Freediver, AIDA Level 2; Maximum depth of 20 metres
PADI Freediver; Maximum depth of 16 metres
SSI Advanced Freediver, AIDA Level; Maximum depth of 30 metres
PADI Advanced Freediver; Maximum depth 24 metres