Cylinder Testing
How often do we need to test cylinders in New Zealand?
All SCUBA cylinders require a yearly Visual inspection to check for cracks and other defects and every two years a Hydrostatic test (hydrostatic) which tests for metal fatigue and Visual inspection.
Dive Now Whangarei is a Worksafe NZ Approved Test Station under the New Zealand Underwater SCAP (Scuba Cylinder Audit Programme) covering Scuba, BA and Paint Ball cylinders.
HYDRO $58 | VISUAL $38
This price is excluding the air fill as concession card holders may want to use their cards.
Please do not be offended if we cannot test your cylinder.
In August 2017, some older types of Aluminium cylinders were deemed unsafe and removed from service by Worksafe due to the alloy used. These are tanks that are over 25 years old. There have been catastrophic failures of these tanks worldwide at the filling stage that have resulted in the death and serious maiming of dive shop staff.
Cylinders from overseas cannot be tested nor filled in New Zealand unless they match a cylinder on the Worksafe cylinder register.